Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday Evening Video Blog

Hey there! Just a quick video blog for the evening edition. In case anyone out there is bored and stops by to say hello :-)


liz said...

Look at you, rockin' another vlog. I'm waiting for my sushi to arrive - yum - and saw your post come through.

good luck with your campaign!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Now you're addicted to vlogging. I have to say, I think it's a nice, personal touch. I think I'll follow your lead and try it sometime. :)

Happy weekend!

Ms. A said...

So, does this job make you a ... pusher? Have a great weekend!

Cheeseboy said...

Great vlog. And btw, I feel the same way about some of my old blog posts. FOr two years I had virtually zero followers and felt like I wrote some great stuff that got ignored. I should repost. That is a great idea.

Bossy Betty said...

What a sweet message! I liked the way you clarified which drugs New Jersey is known for!

Joann Mannix said...


Such a cutie you are! I just haven't been brave enough, besides you younguns look much better on the video than those of us with a few wrinkles.

Love that you've written for everything from Hondas to cheese. Pretty wide compass, there.

joeandbridge said...

Hi! I'm poppin in from Friday Follow (on Saturday-LOL) to be your newest follower. Hooray! Come follow my blog! :) (Please?)

Bridgette Groschen
The Groschen Goblins said...

It's so nice that you do this. Seems like you're in my living room with me vs across the frickin country in the land of drugs. :) I wish I was savvy enough for vlogging.
Be well, Ally.
Robyn said...

PS CONGRATULATIONS ON the job, even though it's stressful given the learning curve. You'll make it work!

Ally said...

Thanks guys! Remember this is just a freelance gig though - it could end any time next week.

Marlene said...

You have GREAT HAIR! :)

So neat to put a face/voice to a blog. :) You rock, woman.

Joe Cap said...

I like the shades! Remember, when you are cool, the sun never goes down.

Copyboy said...

Wow! Congrats on the pharma gig. About time they pay a talented writer such as yourself. should do the vlog more often. Do like a viewer mail thing or something. I think the camera (and us bloggers) like you. Again congrats!

Brenda Susan said...

You are so cute! You almost look younger than your school age pic, ha! Congrats on the job & I hope it gets easier as you go along.

Ally said...

Joe - sunglasses were on because it was like 2ish when I recorded that. Ha ha! We were about to head out to a party and it was sunny outside :) I "ain't no" sunglasses at night Corey Hart chick! Ha ha!

Copyboy, shall I call you coyboy from now on?

Sara said...

OMG. I just wanted to comment on that awesome photo on the wall behind you! Pulp Fiction baby!!!

California Keys said...

Woo hoo! Another vlog! I was watching this video thinking to myself.... 'Oh no! Her husband is missing!'.... Are the vlogs easier to do?

I'm so super anal retentive that I'd probably write out an outline of what I was going to talk about.... I'd have a monologue prepared.... lol

You're doing a great job! Keep it up!

Michelle Pixie said...

You're so dang cute! I love your vlogs!


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