Just a quick post to wish all of you moms out there a wonderful Mother's Day. This year I opted to stick around New Jersey, thinking we'd do dinner with my mother-in-law. She always tells us not to worry about her and to go off and do whatever we need to do. Afraid she was just saying that, we were slightly conflicted on how to plan. She's taking care of her elderly, sick uncle today and told us she'll take a rain check on dinner. This means we aren't doing anything today. We're simply making Sunday dinner for ourselves as if it were any other Sunday. It feels weird.
Hubs and I went to breakfast at our local coffee shop this morning where I was wished a Happy Mother's Day. The other day at the nail salon, I was given a gift bag with floral flip-flops and wished a Happy Mother's Day weekend. Why is it that just because I'm a woman old enough to have a teenager, everyone assumes I'm a mother? I never think to wish every man I see a happy Father's Day... Does this happen to guys everywhere too?
Since I can't be with my mother today, I'm posting two of my favorite photos. I'm sure there are many more, but these two came to mind first...
One photo is of me at age 7. I was tried and cranky and Mom was fixing my hair for my aunt's wedding. The other is of us getting ready for my own wedding on 11.8.08.
I am very lucky to have a mother who is accepting, loving, open-minded and understanding. I hope she knows how much I love her.
Haha...tell them thank you but I hate children so I don't have any!
So sweet, Ally. I love those pics. I wasn't a mom until I was almost 30 and I got it all the time. What was even worse was I was dealing with infertility. I just wanted to burst into tears anytime anyone did that to me. Like grinding salt into my wound.
Have a great non-Mother's Day!
That was sweet.
Hey, at least you got some free stuff!!!
Very sweet Ally! Very nice pictures.
I know how you feel, people assume I have kids which is salt in the wound like Joann said since I'm dealing with infertility, but oh well...people don't realize. Even worse, last night when my husband and I were shopping there were some old folks standing near us talking and they were saying how AWFUL it was that this lady they knew was having a baby at age 38...that's only 3 years older than I am. Happy freaking Mother's Day.
Sorry, rambled a bit there. :-)
I didn't have a child until I was 35. I think it is more a tradition than that they are assuming you are a Mom. The clerk in the grocery store wished the man in front of me Happy Mother's Day yesterday...lol...go figure. Or maybe it is because you have such a sweet and pretty face.....don't let it bother you darlin'. Have a wonderful day with your husband. Sweet tribute to your own Mom. I know it will make her feel good.
Maybe you should start wearing a shirt around this time of year that reads, "I'm not your mama."
Extra points if you have a picture of some guy wearing Vicki Lawrence's wig from Mama's Family and wagging a finger on it.
This happens to me all the time too and I hate it! I like Babes Mami's idea, and may try that next time. Although if one of my students' moms heard me say that I might be in trouble.
It;s your mothering spirit shining through!!
Sweet post about your mom!!
Sweet post! Happy Mother's Day!
Those are sweet photos. Your mom looks SO YOUNG, and you look like sisters in your wedding picture.
I hope your mom gets to see this... very touching post about Mother's Day. Love the pics!
Those are great pictures, friend!!
I have a feeling your mom does know!!!
Beautiful beautiful no more words needed
Those pics are great. I really have no idea how people can think that it is OK and/or socially encouraged to just assume women over a certain age are mothers.....or even want to be. It is kind of a pet peeve of mine.
I wish I would have thought about floral flip flops for my wife for Mother's Day. Your mom sounds like one cool gal.
Great pics.
Nobody has every wished me a happy fathers day. Those bastards. I already hated them as it was, and now that I see how inconsiderate they are I hate them even more.
Great pictures!
They probably assume that they would have caught hell if they didn't give you the gift bag! lol
My mother and I were never super close.... I was always a 'grandma's boy'....
Beautiful pictures. I love that you have a great relationship with your mom. I do, as well.
This is very sweet. Your mother is so cute!
I also feel akward when I see an older person on Mother's Day. Do I say HMD to them? Would they consider it to be rude if I didn't, and they did have children. I mean, you never know. Totally not fair lol
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