Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mattel Toys Poochie For Girls

In the early 1980s, I was smitten by a girlie white pup with pink floppy ears, pink paws and pretty pink sunglasses. She was the most adorable and glamorous dog ever. She went by the name of Poochie and the commercial had a lovely jingle that echoed "Pooooooochie, Poochie for girls!" Sadly that commercial doesn't allow embedding, so I couldn't include it other than including a link. Below is a different vintage ad just to give you a better idea of what Poochie toys looked like.

Mattel packaged Poochie with me in mind. I loved pink and blue--those were true 1982-1984 colors, which was the Poochie heyday. I was a sucker for stickers and stamp pads. I had such a thing for any type of stationary item including note cards, envelopes, you name it. I had to have it. About ten years ago I purchased a few Poochie items on eBay. I'd love to own more, but until we buy a house, our limited space does not allow for collectibles.


Ms. A said...

You get that house and when I decide to clean out all the vintage stuff, I'll send it your way!

Anonymous said...

So funny! It didn't seem like a dirty name at the time...

That settles it. I'm changing Olive's name. Hey Poooo-chie... come he-re....

Cheeseboy said...

My sister had one of those. I had totally forgotten they existed.

Jeannie, Jane, Angel, Mommy, etc.. said...

Thaks for stopping by! I LOVED Poochie! I am SO a child of the 80's. I miss all of the toys. I hate it when they try to bring them back becuase they are "updated". Like strawberry shortcake now wears jeans rather than the cute little dress! ugh!

Sadako said...

I don't remember her but she's so cute!

TS Hendrik said...

When you going to get around to My Buddy and Kid Sister? Those are the money toys.

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

I'll stick with Hello Kitty stuff, not Pukey - I mean Poochie. :)

Sara Louise said...

Ah yes, I remember Poochie! And baby blue and pink were THE colors ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wow. These sure are cute and tiny. The Advertisement was a bit funny though!
Have a good day...:)

Jerry said...

So are you saying a way to your heart is with a Poochie? I don't remember that toy.

ScoMan said...

I don't remember Poochie. Perhaps I am too young. Maybe they weren't big in Australia.

Damn. Seems like the commericals were a lot of fun.

LaraAnn said...

I was just thinking about this the other day. I had that Poochie for girls song playing in my head. I named my teddy bear Poochie in 1979-kind of a strange name for a bear.

Copyboy said...

I wonder why I mentally blocked Poochie. I have no recollection of that toy every existing. Wow. That's a first for me.

Anonymous said...

oh Ally, I completely forgot about Poochie!!!! and you are so right, pink & blue were definitely colors of the 80s and they were my fave. I really wanted a Poochie and never got one.

sara said...

Oh. My. God. Poochie, my beloved, we've been reunited! I seriously gasped when I saw this...hmmm, note to self - do not profess love of Poochie in public forum...I mean, yeah that's a funny old toy.

Lindsey said...

I was born in '83 so sadly I don't remember ever playing with these. Sigh.
They do look fabulous though!!

Goodnight moon said...

Hahaha...I remember the poochie! How funny!!!!

Rebekah said...

OH! Poochie! Where have you been?! I LOVE LOVE LOVED Poochie! Uh oh,...I'm in trouble now that I have an e-bay account.

Maggi said...

O-M-G. I was so in love with Poochie pink cuteness. Then my mom got a new dog and he violated my stuffed Poochie. :( lol

My Mercurial Nature said...

Oh that's so funny. I love looking back at all those 80's toys.

Katie's Dailies said...

Think I missed that toy by about 10 years, rats!

Marlene said...

I don't remember "poochie"....but I am older than you, so maybe that's it. Love your vintage toy stories...they make me feel old. LOL. ;)

Lady Hill said...


I think I still have one laying around somewhere at my mom's house.


Kmama said...

OMG. POOCHIE. NO WAY!!!! I loved Poochie too. LOL

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

um wow. haha

Babes Mami said...

Idr Poochie but I was into pound puppies? :]

Joann Mannix said...

My sister had a Poochie! Which sounds totally obscene, but she did and she loved it. I'm going to send her on over here. You're so great, Ally at filling me up with feel good nostalgia memories. Thanks!

Joann Mannix said...

My sister had a Poochie! Which sounds totally obscene, but she did and she loved it. I'm going to send her on over here. You're so great, Ally at filling me up with feel good nostalgia memories. Thanks!

Salt said...

OMG!!! My heart is singing over this post! I LOVED POOCHIE!! I hadn't thought about her in YEARS.

Thank you so much for the wonderful flashback. I might have to visit Ebay myself today!

Macey said...

I thought Poochie was super cute. Still do.
I didn't have one though. But I would have KILLED any 5 yr old little girl to get my own.

liz said...

I sorta kinda remember Poochie. I'm always amazed at your ability to find the retro commercials!

MoonDoggie said...

Aaaah Poochie. Parts of that set look very familiar to me - particularly the stamp and comb...

Anonymous said...

soooooo many memories coming back... my sis loved Poochie!

Tiffany Kadani said...

How did I not know about this when I was a kid? I would have loved it! I obviously did not watch enough television. Haha. Right.

Riot Kitty said...

OMG, I cannot believe I forgot about this! I blame my biological mother for throwing away all of my cool 80s toys. Now, of course, it sounds naughty.

Bossy Betty said...

Poochie? I am afraid I missed out on these. Man! I was ripped off!

RMb said...

oh my god! i totally remember these!! wow.
hey thanks for the comment. i added you as a friend/followed you on twitter. try again with me on fb (i'm kind of weird about that shit). your blog is great. im happy you felt like reading mine! :)

California Keys said...

I feel so left out! A toy only for girls?

My son is all about dolls and girly toys.... lol I'm not quite sure why we separate toys anymore.... We need more unisex toys....


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