Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Teen Sex Talk | Home Run

I hope you guys are still with me as we finalize the retro teen sex talk look into my past...

Home Run: Scoring a home run basically means to go all the way, which I'm sure you all know. Well, at least I hope you know.

My First "Home Run" Experience: It's very awkward to write about. I thought I would be cool sharing it, but I'm actually really quite shy, nervously wondering who will see this. Anyway, my first experience was very special in that my high school boyfriend, "J" and I waited six months to take the plunge. We were both terrified. I was about to visit my relatives in Florida for Christmas vacation and we decided to exchange holiday gifts and go all the way before I left Long Island.

When: December 18, 1989

With Whom & How: "J" my high school boyfriend and I had been messing around for a while, and according to a diary entry from around that time, "We've done everything now, there's only one thing left to do."  It gets better, the entry for the actual act of home run reads, "Last night J and I finally went all the way WITHOUT our underclothes on (what is this 1943? who says "underclothes"?). Actually, we did leave our clothes on sort of. I had a skirt on with nothing underneath, so... we used a "c" word of course. It was awful. It was really uncomfortable."

Yeah, sex sucked. It was good to just get it out of the way before heading off to college though I guess. I'm glad my first time was with my high school boyfriend and not some stupid one-night stand. There wasn't a lot of pressure and if there was it was between us, our uncertainty and fears of accidents and whatnot. I loved "J" very much. He often said, "you will never meet another guy who will ever treat you as good as I treat you." and sadly he was very right.

We were together a total of about three years. Things got rocky when I went away to college in New England. He was a year younger than me and still in high school. In a sick way, I'm secretly glad he's gay. Why? Because I can't look back and wonder what could have been. He has left me with very little room for regret.


Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

Even though it was awful, it was with someone special. That's sweet, and I'm glad he turned out gay too - for your sake. (I totally understand.)

Anonymous said...

I just figure he must have loved you so much that another women would never have lived up to you :0)

Cheeseboy said...

Glad it wasn't in a church. You have so many interesting stories, they really should make your life into a movie.

Macey said...

Wow...you are brave for sharing that though! It was actually a sweet story...I'm glad it was with your first boyfriend who you loved!
I would be SO glad to know he's gay. Then you can't think of other girls and be jealous. And you probably can't bring yourself to be jealous of a guy...ya know?
And yeah, I think sex for girls the first time sucks. They lie in movies and books. They do.

Copyboy said...

Yeah, I bet you were so great, everything after you would've paled in comparison. He had to go gay.

m. said...

it's actually really nice to read this.
thank you for sharing :)

G. said...

Great read. My first time was uncomfortable too, fortunately it was with someone I quite liked at the time (now I hate him and am glad to have him out of my life, that's what relationships do to you).

ScoMan said...

It's great that you have no regrets at least.

Shame that you haven't found anyone who treats you as good as he did though.

hehehe... "Underclothes"

Sylvia Plathypus said...

Underclothes...*snickers* I only laugh because I use ridiculous words like that all the time!! LOL I've been loving the whole series on base-running...*wink, wink*, and think the story of the V-card cash-in was very sweet. It sounds like he was the perfect person to give that gift to, and I'm glad it turned out the way it did for you guys. =) (And the first time always sucks...IDK why people {ie-teenagers} refuse to accept this!! LMAO) At any rate, your first time was above and beyond the tragedy of my own, so kudos to you for keeping it with someone special who mattered!!

Anonymous said...

nice experience, sweet memories

Powdered Toast Man said...

You should of vlogged this one. That wouldn't of been awkward... .haha

nikki said...

Great post. The thing that links us all is that we all have first times. And the sex is never ever good the first time.

Michelle Pixie said...

Awww So romantical! I love the last part the most. Thanks for sharing your story! =)

Joe Cap said...

You're pretty brave for posting this, I must say! I got a kick out of the 'underclothes' thing too.
I have enjoyed these posts, in a careful way!

Ian said...

You are a star among us fools...is that how that quote goes?

Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said...

Wow, you have really caused me to dig up some really old memories out of this foggy head of mine. This is fun to read.

Hope you have a great day!

Teresa <><

Babes Mami said...

My first time was awful too! I think a lot of peoples were.

Amber Von Felts said...

My first time also turned out to be Gay! It was a similar story, high school sweethearts, we moved to Cali together and then whoah boy, he turned 21 a year before me and started hitting the bars...gay bars. That pretty much killed it. Where he is now, no one knows!

Marlene said...

Ok, I'm gonna admit it. I snickered at "underclothes", too....but when I glanced down to the comments, I laughed out loud at the "church" comment cheeseboy made.

Your first time sounded like my first time. My experience was also with my high school boyfriend. Difference is, I ended up marrying him. It lasted ten years. (About ten years too long.)

Sara Louise said...

The 'underclothes' bit is the best!

Salt said...

Hehehe underclothes. :)

But I agree with you. It's nice to look back and not have any regrets about who your first time was with. With him being gay, you have close to a perfect situation!

Anonymous said...

Awe sounds so sweet! My first kind of turned out the same!

Tina said...

At least he was a sweet guy. You should be treated wonderfully always.

cheeky rose said...

Great story, made me think of my first time. Its amazing how we can look back and tell without the embarrassment. Mine was an awkward experience, stll here to tell the tale, Thank you for sharing yours

Sara said...

"(what is this 1943? who says "underclothes"?)"
I don't think I ever laughed out loud so hard before, at my desk, in front of my co-workers.

Joann Mannix said...

Ally, you're so brave and your stories are so sweet, they make me tear up.

Underclothes. Ha!

And I know it's weird that it's good he's gay. Your healthy spin on it makes all the sense in the world.

California Keys said...

I have nothing to say... lol....

Copyboy has the best comment ever!

Bossy Betty said...

You ARE brave to post this and good for you!

Love the way you incorporate your diary into it too!

I have miss you too and am glad to get back to you.

Life is busy. Let's all remember to change our underclothes on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

First of all you rock for posting this! I <3 u so for that.
Yeah the first time not so great, hell not even the many times after.
Takes a long time for women to truly enjoy it I think.

Sadako said...

I think everyone's first time sucks. Like a rite of passage, you know? If there is someone out there who had the awesome sex first time with roses and orgasms and candles and a pink aura...then I hate you! (Well, not really, but ya know.)

Great blog post, and I echo what RawknRobyns said.

liz said...

I see what you mean about J being gay. Oh, and you using "underclothes" had me laughing out loud.

Anonymous said...

Still my hero for sharing. I waited a long long time and it ended up being almost too long. That's all I'll say.

Children of the 90s said...

Underclothes! That's awesome. I think most people feel the same awkwardness about their first time as teenagers...that first time is never quite the way all of the teen novels and cheesy movies made us hope it could be.

The mad woman behind the blog said...

Not an original thought here but you are my hero for sharing.

My hubs reads my blog so I'm super nervous about writing about my first time or second for that matter. I would have a hard time NOT fawning over the guy all over again. Still have a thing for that big hunk of stupid.


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