Friday, June 18, 2010

My New Prescription Eyeglasses From Glasses USA

Cute, retro Alicia eyeglasses only $27, baby!
If you've been following Fourth Grade Nothing for a while, you may have noticed that I avoid giveaways and reviews. I try to keep my content focused on funny childhood stories from my past, '80s celebrity crushes and retro memories. Please understand the reason I agreed to switch things up just this once, is because I'm still currently unemployed and do not have a vision plan. Ironically, the week I discovered a large, deep scratch in my existing pair of eyeglasses, I received a request to review How could I resist a pair of complimentary prescription eyeglasses?

Yey! I can see again!

You know I'll give it to you straight... When I first learned about a website offering prescription glasses, I had some reservations. I wondered if the glasses would fit correctly (I have a huge head). Would ordering eyeglasses online measure-up to eye wear purchased locally? Let me tell you, even with my vision plan, my last generic-framed pair were well over $200. offers an incredible selection of affordable frames, from name brands such as Calvin Klein and Dior to deeply discounted fun retro frames.  Most eyeglass frames are priced at about 70% less than most retail shops.

I was actually very surprised at the hip and trendy retro looks Glasses USA offers. I was thinking I'd be stuck with a very limited selection, but my personal favorite frames, Alicia Black Full Frames glasses are priced at a mere $27 total! At that rate, I figured there had to be a catch. There wasn't! Shipping starts at $8.95 for Priority and shipping is free for orders over $99. Just email, fax or scan a copy of your prescription and you're good to go.

Worried about ordering ordering glasses online? Don't be. is a very easy to navigate website offering excellent customer service and an amazing return policy. Even better, glasses that are returned are always donated to help those in need. I plan on ordering from them in the future and hope you will consider checking them out as well. If you do decide to order use coupon code Mommy5 for a 5% discount off your order.
My Relationship With Prescription Glasses
  • I began wearing glasses in first grade because I couldn't see the board.
  • In grammar school, the kids called me "Four Eyes."
  • At 16, I failed the vision test for driving and am unable to drive without my glasses.
  • I hate wearing glasses other than while driving, reading or writing.
  • My right eye is much worse than my left due to this stupid haircut I had in high school for 3 years. According to my eye doctor, hiding my right under my hair created this problem.


Ms. A said...

Wow, great price for frames, how much with lenses?

TILTE said...

bwaaaahaahaha- what kind of a crack doctor was that?!?!

that's the most ridic thing i've ever heard. at the same time, i think i'm falling in love with him.

Together We Save said...

I love your glasses!! Very pretty. I am wearing similar ones now!!

Ally said...

Ms. Anthropy - um, ya know, I think that's the price total plus shipping. Nowhere on the site does it say a charge for lenses and my experience as a kid with inexpensive eye glass shops were just that - you pay a low price and they don't do that plus lenses thing. That's why my last pair, purchased from an eye doctor who also had a shop - was extremely high!

Ally said...

@You're Lucky I Don't Have A Gun - I actually think that doctor was correct. I truly did hide that right eye under my hair for a long time just because I thought I was all quirky and gothic or something. If you saw my glasses you would see how thick that one lens is compared to the other. I swear, it has to be true!

Mashuga Mom said...

Found your blog through another and love the GlassesUSA thing. I am a serious glasses wearer and need super thin glasses.
Always nice to find more places selling glasses that are affordable.thanks

April said...

Dammit! I wish I had known about this before I paid a butt-load of cash for my new glasses (and they weren't even the ones I really wanted). They look great. Congrats! said...

Those glasses look great on you. I hate shopping for and wearing glasses, but this post reminds me that I need to go to the eye doc.

Ms. A said...

Good Lord!!! I'm even more impressed, now.

Expat Barbie said...

adorable :)

btw, i love your blog name -- i heart judy blume :)

ScoMan said...

I've read a bit a bout them on the bloggosphere lately, but I'm guessing from their name they wouldn't be interested in my corner of the world.

Anonymous said...

love your glasses!

My only hesitation is the fit and look. I have a small head and I can wear childs' glasses! And it's hard for me to find a pair of glasses that look good on me. Still, it's probably worth trying at such a low price.

mamahasspoken said...

I'll have to check them out! I wear no line bifocals, and I like transition lenses so I'll have to see how much extra that is. Like you and others, I have spent a small fortune on my glasses.

Copyboy said...

Is it appropriate to say you have that smoldering, sexy librarian look now? If not, I won't.

Caution/Lisa said...

I'm laughing @copyboy!

It's still hard for me to believe that there are no hidden costs. But I will check them out :)

m. said...

this just reminded me that i need new glasses.

Ian said...

When 900 years you reach, look as good, you will not.

Margie said...

I've been wearing glasses for about 5 years now and when I went in to renew my license, and get a new picture, despite wearing glasses, they never tested my eyesight so, no restrictions on my license. SCORE!

LaraAnn said...

I really like your glasses. I had not been to the eye doctor in 5 years and finally went this month only I have to wait 4 weeks to get approval from Medicaid to cover them and it probably won't be the whole thing. I do have to pay 20.00 for the 90.00 frames. Since my prescription is so bad I need to pay extra for the thin lenses. I saw a nice pair of Rampage brand frames but they were like 160.00 and even with a discount would be 90.00- definitely not in the budget. I've had glasses since the 3rd grade.

Tiffany Kadani said...

You are so beautiful!

And I had no clue a haircut could cause eye issues. Wow. This changes my liking of side swept bangs.

♥ Brittany Ciara ♥ said...

Love the glasses! :) I'm here reciprocating the FF love! :)

Julia Ladewski said...

first time visiting and thanks for stopping by! i love your blog... not sure what the premise behind it is, as i'm new, but it's great! i got glasses in 3rd grade and hated it.


Bossy Betty said...

Just got a new pair of glasses yesterday. I won't tell you the price. I am now embarrassed! Your glasses look great!

Jen said...

Those are great prices but what about fit? My head is shaped funny or something because the optician always has to adjust the glasses for the right fit.

Your doctor was on crack, BTW.

Jen said...

Oh, and your glasses are way cool and they look great!

sara said...

You look fantaztic! I really need new glasses, but just can't seem to pull the trigger. maybe this will help.

Salt said...

I will check them out. I need new glasses something fierce.

Those look fantastic on you!

Marlene said...

Cute frames!!

Ummm...Sorry, honey...but I think your eye doc is smoking something funny. I worked in the eye field for 14 years....and have never heard such a ridiculous thing. (That hiding your eye behind your hair caused your bad vision).

Seriously cute glasses, though!!!

RMb said...

those are super cute!!

Ashley King said...

cute glasses!!!! i went looking around for glasses and found the pair that i liked and then went looking for them online, and they were a lot cheaper online.... i just got scared that they weren't "real" ones or something.... and my prescription is SOOOOO bad.... that's when i decided to sign up for lasik! BUUUUUT i just cancelled my appt yesterday when they called to confirm my appt for the WRONG SURGERY!!!! i was like, ummm, you know what? i think i'm going to cancel.... my vision is ALL i've got left.... (well the very little bit of it anyway.... so i'm on the market for another surgeon. =( SOOO disappointing.... what is your prescription? are you nearsighted or far? and do you have astigmatism? i'm like -9.0 and -8.5 with an astigmatism. =( i'm nearsighted.... i bet they'd charge me extra for being blind. haha.

The mad woman behind the blog said...

Love the glasses but honey, you could totally rock the naughty librarian look. We can see the little twinkle in your eye.

Macey said...

Sometimes I buy fake glasses just so I can wear em around the house and look cute. True story.

Brandy@YDK said...

good job accepting that review. they are so cute.

Elaine said...

It looks great on you!

Enter to win a Lime Ricki swimsuit!
clothed much, a modest fashion blog

Slyde said...

hi there!

I just read that you grew up on Long Island in the 70's!

Me too! In fact, im still there! What town did you grow up in?

Crazy Brunette said...

Shhhyea bitch!

Love them!

They look a bit like mine... But mine are purple!

Slyde said...

ok, now your starting to freak me out.

I live in babylon NOW, but i grew up in North Valley Stream.

I went to Dever and North High School. Class of 86.

Katherine said...

Your pic is great...those glasses look really good on you. What a great thing you were able to review! I think I will be on the road to glasses VERY soon... my arms aren't getting any longer!


Tiffanee said...

That is a great price. Your new glasses look fabulous on you. I started wearing glasses in 5th Grade and luckily got contacts in the 7th grade. I am so blind everything has to be specially ordered. By the way I lcve the high school hairdo!!

Tiffanee said...

That is a great price. Your new glasses look fabulous on you. I started wearing glasses in 5th Grade and luckily got contacts in the 7th grade. I am so blind everything has to be specially ordered. By the way I lcve the high school hairdo!!

Victoria said...

That's a super price for glasses!

Thanks for dropping by my blog, I'm following you back :)

Kimberly Walker said...

My right eye is worse as well, but it's because when I was 13 I got hair dye in my eye... stupid me had to have red hair!
Great blog... I am now following.
All the best,

Trisha B said...

Thanks for following! Following back! I like the glasses!

Anonymous said...

I love the glasses on you but this you already know.

Perhaps I can help answer some questions. Size and fit are key to a good pair of glasses. If you already have a pair of glasses, look on the inside of the arms, you'll see a set of three numbers- those 3 numbers are your lens width, bridge width, and temple length. From those dimensions, you can add or subtract by 1mm to find your perfect fit.

As far as the hidden fees, there shouldn't be any. Lenses can get pricey anywhere because if your prescription is too high, the cost to make high index lenses goes up.

GlassesUSA is a great company. If you ever have questions - you can contact their customer service at service (at) glassesusa (dot) com.

- the Glasses Guru

Love Glasses said...

With tighter budgets these days, buying eyeglasses online is very helpful. Some website like, GlassesUSA are wonderful options for discount glasses.


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