Sunday, June 20, 2010

Weekend Retro Rewind | Dad's Day Edition | Barry Manilow

Posing with Dad in 1986 (age 13) at our condo in Florida
In honor of Father's Day, I'm bringing Weekend Retro Rewind back to 1975. I was only about three when this song came out. When I was five, my dad took acoustic guitar lessons. I'm not quite sure why, but he always sang "Mandy" by Barry Manilow to me on his guitar.

Me at age 5, when Dad would sing to us
My name obviously isn't Mandy, Mom's name isn't Mandy and Dad wasn't a Barry Manilow fan. Maybe "Mandy" was the song they were learning in his guitar class. Whatever the case, I loved it. I loved when Dad would sing to us by the fireplace in the little ranch house in Oakdale, Long Island. It's one of my favorite memories of my dad. Dad's a plane ride away in Florida, so other than a phone call, I haven't been able to celebrate Dad's Day with him in about ten years now. Read more about my dad here and here.

Fun Facts About Barry Manilow's "Mandy"
  • Originally written as "Brandy" in 1971.
  • Sick of being asked who "Brandy" was, the song writer, Scott English said it was his dog.
  • "Mandy" was Barry Manilow's first number one hit.
  • "Mandy" was Barry Manilow's first gold single.
  • Artists who've covered "Mandy" include: Westlife, Donny Osmond, Andy Williams, Johnny Mathis, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes.


  1. I don't think I could even name a Barry Manilow song.

    Wait! Yes I could! Mandy!

    Okay, I cheated with that one.

  2. Knowing that the song was written about a dog, gives the song a whole new meaning when I listen to the lyrics...

  3. Such a nice memory and a great picture too. I'm no longer ashamed to admit that I like this song.

  4. Take a trip to Florida sometime soon!

  5. That is such a sweet memory. I was a Barry fan and saw him in concert. Something about "Mandy" was addicting (now, kinda annoying). The pictures are sweet too.

  6. Such a sweet memory you have. Happy Daddy Day. Now go give your dad a call. haha

  7. Such a great memory of your dad! :) Thank you for the comment on my blog. I'm so glad to have found yours. I love Judy Blume too!

  8. Love the picture!

    Love the song Mandy. It's a great one to sing in the car and be all dramatic to!

    A dog? Really? I don't think so!

    Happy Father's Day!

  9. You're so cute in that picture!

    And I'm quite fond of Mr. Manilow. It isn't something that I advertise, but he's kind of cool.

  10. Awww are you a daddys girl? Babe is both which is sweet and annoying when I want cuddles and he wants daddy.

    Happy Fathers Day to your Dad!

  11. I saw an interview with Barry Manilow recently that was really surprising. I had no idea how many jingles he has written. Whether or not people know it they've probably whistled his stuff a time or two.

    That's a very sweet little story. I can just picture you gathered there.

  12. I had a dog named Brandy.
    She was the best dog evah.
    I would write a song about her for sure.
    Hope your dad has a wonderful day!

  13. Loved Mandy.

    Happy Father's Day to your dad, Ally.

    Call him and tell him you love him. Take my word for it, you'll never regret it.

  14. Such a sweet tribute! :)

    Love that five year old photo! Stinkin' CUTE!!!

    What?!!! Donny Osmond did "Mandy?"!!

    I love Donny...but that's just all wrong!

  15. i have a coworker who thinks he's HOT SHIT. all of his facebook pix are ridiculous, even for facebook standards.

    he doesn't know i secretly call him barry manilow.

  16. name being Amanda/Mandy, if I had a nickel for every drunk guy who or wise ass relative who serenaded me with that song...that and the Boston hit Amanda. I secretly love it though...

  17. Should have stuck with the original name for the song. :-)
