Saturday, June 26, 2010

What's In My Trapper Keeper? Davy Jones! Video Blog

Back again for another summer Saturday edition of "What's In My Trapper Keeper?" ...

As you know, back in the 1980s, I wrote to dozens of celebrities. Today, I reveal a cool card from The Monkees Davy Jones. Check me out!


  1. That's so cool! I remember being in love with The Monkees when I was a child, watching re-runs on TV. I actually had a major crush on Mike. I also learned as I got older that my mom got to meet Peter Tork when he was visiting our hometown. I was so jealous.

  2. I loved the Monkeys as a kid. Too bad Davey Jones had to go and become a pirate with a octopus beard.

  3. Davy was a real cutie! Kinda old for you, missy, but I guess cute has no age limits.

  4. Love it! I totally remember watching The Monkees on Saturdays but I don't think I really had a "thing" for any of them. I'm loving your video blogs. I used to write letters to my favorite celebs in the 80's and send along pictures of my older, prettier sister - sadly, I never heard back from any of them.

  5. When we were kids, our whole family loved the Monkees. I always liked Davy because he was short, but didn't have a 'chip' on his shoulder about it. He even made a joke about his shortness that you can hear on his recording of Cheer up Sleepy Jean.

  6. I was totally in love with him when I was 10! Monkees re-runs, you know.

  7. I was a Micky girl too!
    I liked to think they never aged though and remained in their colourful 60s world where mullets were unheard of.

  8. I read Davy Jones and immediately thought of the Brady Bunch

  9. One of my all time favorite songs is 'Daydream Believer' sung by Davy Jones!!! I still sing along with it every time it comes on the radio (which it does quite a bit on the oldie station).

  10. omg, he was my fave... i remember interrupting the Oscars when the monkees were on.. My mom was not happy... hey- remember Mod Squad? I think I still have a' signed' pic of Michael Cole!. lol

  11. That is super duper awesome, Ally! At first, when you were like..."The cool part is and zoomed in on the picture, I thought you were focusing on his crotch." God, where is my mind? Happy Saturday girlfriend!

  12. the mullet Davey sporting I'd place that pic right after he did the Brady Bunch movie (circa '96). Unfortunately, my favorite Monkees song is not sung by Davey – That was then this is now.

  13. I remember they had to learn how to play instruments after they were cast...

  14. I loved the Monkees, too.

    You know I'm not one to pimp my blog, but last year I saw Davy in concert. He happened to be performing at Epcot one night when I was there.

    My hubs snapped some pics of him. I'm sending you the link. Don't bother with the post, it's really long. Just know, he had a little paunch of a belly, and he looked old, but he was still charming and he sang his tiny little heart out.

  15. That is pretty cool, Ally. I was one of his millions of female fans. OMG, he was soooo cute!

  16. How awesome is that! Following you back. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog yesterday! :)

  17. I have an autographed copy of his more recent Day Dream Believing was out in 2000-01 around there abouts. I won it in a radio contest. I had to tell them what was Davy's role in Oliver. I knew it was Artful I nearly fell down the steps to call on the phone in the kitchen.

    I was supposed to go a private concert also, but I couldn't get to NYC that day

  18. Mine has no sound! I can't hear whatever wonderful words are coming out of your mouth.

  19. The Monkeys bugged me, but I think it was cuz I was too young...? Like they were "oldies" when I was growing up. And they must have been when you were growing up too! You aren't much older than me!
    They say we're the monkeys...
    Wait, is that the same group?
    I don't even know. :(

  20. Business in the front, party in the back. lol
    That's pretty cool, even if it is my least favorite monkee.

  21. Very cool! How many kids today only know Davey Jones as a squid pirate? LOL!

  22. mickey dolenz ate at the cpk i work in at willowbrook a couple of weeks ago. sorry ally, he has NOT aged well :-/
