Saturday, June 19, 2010

What's In My Trapper Keeper?

I cannot tell a lie ... I'm having a difficult time writing posts on weekends.  Let's face it, none of you are home reading blogs on Summer Saturdays and Sundays anyway, so I'm cheating. I've decided for the rest of the summer I'm going to do a little feature called "What's In My Trapper Keeper?" 

Not my actual Trapper Keeper, mine is tattered, torn and written on.
As you may recall from older posts, I loved writing to celebs as a kid. Most of these celebrities weren't ever famous, but whatever, it was still fun writing them and begging them for their autographs. Today we revisit the trusty blue Trapper Keeper and stumble upon, viola Bruce Willis star of Moonlighting. Check it!

Moonlighting Star, Bruce Willis Sends 7th Grader Generic Autographed Photo

Note:  Moonlighting first aired on ABC from March 3, 1985 to May 14, 1989.


Ms. A said...

I like Bruce Willis. Loved him in Tears of the Sun and Sixth Sense.

Ashley King said...

i think it's great that you have all your stuff from before!!!! seriously, everytime i come to your blog, it just makes me want to go dig in my boxes in the garage.... but i don't want to copy you.... =(

i love reliving past times!!! (well, some of them). =)

Untypically Jia said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Following back!

Pat Tillett said...

How cool that you still have all those things. "Moonlighting" was my favorite show back then. He was so damn funny!

Powdered Toast Man said...

I love the idea of u just clogging on the weekends. I have to be honest, the first thing I noticed in ur clog was ur cleavage. Sorry I'm a guy... Lol

MoonDoggie said...

I've never heard of a trapper keeper before.
Bruce Willis never did it for me either. You were so 'industrious' as a child - what the heck was I doing?

G. B. Miller said...

Sometimes changing up to a different posting schedule can do wonders for unclogging the writing.

I went to M-W-F posting schedule back in March because I was suffering from extreme burnout (which happens when your blog is two years old).

Best thing I ever did. About a month and a half later, got the creative juices flowing so that not only was I writing stuff for my main blog weeks in advance, but I was writing stuff for my story blog and I created a picture blog as well.

mamahasspoken said...

Bruce with hair, I forgot he did have hair at one point of his career...

Sam said...

Hehee, this is a great post! I hope you do more vlogs!

Aww, Bruce! I have a love-hate relationship with him. But, I'll totally be jealous of you on those "love" days :p

Kristie said...

I am loving the video blog! I was never really a Bruce Willis fan, but like you said, you really weren't either.
Oh and I would totally read your blog on the weekends. The hubs is working weekends for awhile and I pretty much stay on the computer reading blogs. I probably need to get a life huh?
I seriously love your blog.

Bossy Betty said...

Great vlog but I miss your husband sitting on the couch behind you.

Anonymous said...

I had that exact Trapper Keeper in the picture!!! I always wanted one with pictures, but by then I was getting older and they weren't so cool anymore anyway.

Kara Marie said...

ally you look so cute in the video!

baygirl32 said...

Its the weekend.. and I'm here! Bruce with hair, what else you got in there?

Copyboy said...

huge fan of moonlighting. even liked it when mark harmon guest starred. like your shirt or lack of. :)

Anonymous said...

Moonlighting! Wow. That takes me back. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I am following you now. I can't wait to see what is in your trapper keeper next weekend!

Full-On-Forward said...

NEAT!!!!!! ShE was/is sooo beautiful!


Riot Kitty said...

Wow, you have an amazing memory - Trapper Keepers are one more thing I forgot about!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks for following!! I'm following back your amazing blog!!

Macey said...

I WISH I had something from Bruce.
I also wished I had a Trapper Keeper...

buffalodick said...

Welcome to my blog! I like what you are doing, too!

RMb said...

hahaha, this is totes adorable! :)

Amy said...

What a neat and unique blog. I loved Moonlighting! Thanks for stopping by my blog, leaving a comment and following. I am following you back.

TS Hendrik said...

That is a pretty neat effect for the camera. You need something to modify the sound though so that it's full of scratches and pops.

Jodi Kendall said...

HA! I LOVED my trapper keeper. A few years ago I met Lisa Frank at a clothing store and it was a major highlight!! :)


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