Saturday, July 3, 2010

What's In My Trapper Keeper? Drew Barrymore! Video Blog

Today on "What's In My Trapper Keeper?" we sneak a peek at a very cool autographed picture of Drew Barrymore. I wrote to Drew when she was in E.T. I believe by the time she wrote back she had already appeared in Fire Starter and Cat's Eye.

Check me out with my signed picture of Drew Barrymore!


Ms. A said...

Cool! Have a great 4th!

CoconutPalmDesigns said...

I love Drew Barrymore!

I have an award over at my blog for you.

Cheers :-)
- Rainforest Mommy

JC said...

Drew was much cuter back then.

m. said...

how exciting :)

Anonymous said...

Very Cool. I am a huge fan of Drew Barrymore.

mamahasspoken said...

You have some really awesome stuff in that trapper keeper! Can't wait to see what you pull out next!

1950s Atomic Ranch House said...

She sort of grew up to be one of Hollywoods spoiled brats, if you believe the tabloids.

Her latest make up commercials (mascara) just annoy the heck out of me for some reason. =O

But she comes from a long line of Hollywood actors, as you know. =)

Happy Fourth Ally!

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking how gracefully Drew Barrymore has aged, and how I'm glad she's about my age.

Teachinfourth said...

I always wanted a Trapper Keeper but my parents thought they were too expensive. I always ended up getting the lame paper folders with all the athletes them…


OldSchool80s said...

That is very cool that you got that and even cooler that you saved it!

Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!

Kristie said...

Aw..I love Drew Barrymore. I don't blame you for holding onto that autograph. I wouldn't sell it on ebay either. Some things are worth holding onto.

Bea said...

What a hoot. I thoroughly enjoyed your blog post. I'll be back! :)Bea

Anonymous said...

Wow, you were way cooler than me as a kid. I sent away for an autographed picture of Olivia Newton-John. I was so excited when it arrived. - G

Babes Mami said...

I'm suprised you have all of this stuff still! I have moved so many times that I can't hang on to too much, I don't even remember if I wrote that many stars. said...

Wow, 5 days is a long time to wait on a response. I guess mail service has really sped up since then. :)
CONGRATULATIONS on bypassing 500! That is amazing, as are you!

Thanks for the bday greetings Ally. I had a great week away and am not getting caught up.

Happy 4th and weekend.

Anonymous said...

That is cool! I always said if I had to look like any celebrity I'd choose Drew. She just has her own thing going on and I appreciate that. She doesn't look like every other actress out there.

I don't think she' the greatest actress but hey, she has presence. Cool photo!

Copyboy said...

Liked Drew in the earlier films, but I personally think her best role was her cameo in Wayne's World 2. She looked great and had a swedish accent.

buffalodick said...

She bounced back nicely..

Dena E's Blog said...

I'm # 455 is it??? Late but here and LOVE the Davy Jones pic Sweetie
Blessings and Hugs DEna

cheeky rose said...

Your blog is a treasure trove alway interesting to stop by. Hope you had a great 4th July

pika23 said...

woah...that's neat! I have an authentic, now that I looked at it enough, autographed letter from New kids on the Block. <---not recent, it's from the 90's.

And an autographed glossy from Soliel Moon Frye(aka Punky Brewster) I was even her for Halloween 1985!

My big thing though in the 80's, was to send drawings to shows that would showcase them in different segments. I got one one Romper Room, 2 on Uncle Floyd(nj,ny,pa public access talk show) and one on Punky Brewster.

I have an online buddy with an autograph of......get ready to be weirded out in 3...2...1.......Charles Manson. I know right? He sends long long pages and pages of letters about conspiracies to people who write him. Sometimes a drawing. I am dying to write him, just for laughs and see what I get back.

Macey said...

That's amazeballs!!! :)
Have a happy 4th! :)

Marlene said...

She was a cute little thing in E.T.

Anonymous said...

You are so cute! I also have my Kirk Cameron signed picture! I don't know if he did it or not but I love it! :) Great VLOG!

Anonymous said...

haha, what would I have done for an autographed picture from Michael Jackson or Madonna back then? Cripes, I would have flipped out I'm sure.

Cheers, Miss Ally!


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