Saturday, July 17, 2010

What's In My Trapper Keeper? Video Blog | Gimme A Break!

So what's in my trust old 1980s Trapper Keeper this Saturday? Why it's an autographed photo of the Gimme A Break! cast. Gimme A Break was a popular NBC sitcom. The show had a pretty significant six year run from 1981-1987. 

The plot focused around the no-nonsense, but lovable Nell Carter who played a housekeeper and all-around house mom to a cop (Dolph Sweet) and his three teenage daughters, Katie (Kari Michaelsen), Julie (Lauri Hendler) and Samantha (Lara Jill Miller). I remember relating closet to Samantha as she was the youngest and closer to my age at the time.They added adorable cast members Joey Lawrence and little brother Matt Lawrence to the show which helped boost ratings I'm sure. 

So I'm guessing I wrote the Lawrence Brothers a letter and this was what they sent me in return.


  1. That was one of those shows that I watched more than I care to admit. Whenever anyone came into the room I had to turn the channel very quick. I just really liked those safe comedies. They were Disney before there were Disney shows.

  2. We got to see the Trapper Keeper!! Yeah!!!

  3. I have a card from the cast of Gimme a Break also. Mine is very generic as well and the autographs are photocopies. I still want to keep it in my stash. :)

  4. What? No mention of boyfriend Jonathan Silverman? I figured you had a major hottie crush on him. And wow, that was weird writing a statement like that.

  5. Is that a blank page? (If its a letter I can't see it)

    But boy, do I rememebr Joey Lawrence. (he's the whole reason I watched Blossom)

  6. First I was having trouble uploading the video to YouTube so I used Google's video upload thingie. That crapped out. Somehow I magically got YouTube to upload it, not sure why it wasn't working the first time. May have been a software issue with our video cam?? Anyway, it should be working now. Thanks for letting me know!

  7. For some reason, I was drawn to some of the characters in this show....
    what other goodies are you hiding in your stash?

  8. I totally watched every episode of that show. I was sad when she died a few years ago.

  9. I used to love the show, and I saw Samantha/Laura Jill at a restaurant in the LA Marina (TGIFriday's) growing up. You're triggering all sorts of memories for me, growing up in LA. Thanks. I've got some blogging to do. I don't have a trapper keeper. That is so cool that you did that.
    Have a good one, Ally.

  10. omg, trapper keeper! i remember those! :D

    p.s. enter my giveaway for a chance to win a cute top! and get a code to get 15% off online shopping! :D

    <3, Mimi

  11. The only thing I really remember about this show was the horrific theme song and her vacuuming up the fish.

  12. They sign those with what is called an 'auto pen' I have no idea what an autopen is but have heard it on 'Pawn stars'

  13. Oh, I remember that show, too! Loved Nell!
