Sunday, November 13, 2011

Richard Simmons Deal-A-Meal Diet Program

Richard Simmons' Deal-A-Meal
In the mid to late 1980s, weight loss guru Richard Simmons began touting a new diet program called Deal-A-Meal. Deal-A-Meal was only available through TV infomercials and commercials and consisted of various cards to help dieters track the types of food they ate throughout the day.

Similar to Weight Watchers, Deal-A-Meal didn't seem gimmicky and didn't promote pills or shakes. Richard Simmons always seems so genuine. I know he's comical, but there's something endearing about his upbeat and warm personality. 

Does anyone remember this commercial for Deal-A-Meal?


  1. I remember Deal-A-Meal commercials and remember him being on General Hospital, too!

  2. I remember Simmons and his deal-a-meal stuff. And yes...there's something about his warm nature that makes him totally believable.

  3. Totally remember this and in fact, my mother ordered the Deal-a-Meal system. Never used it though.

  4. Totally remember this and in fact, my mother ordered the Deal-a-Meal system. Never used it though.

  5. Oh yeah, I remember them. I saw him on TV a couple of weeks ago and he still looks and dresses the same. Much older, but the same...

  6. I never actually saw Deal a Meal, but in middle school, we had a physical fitness month where they had us pre-teen all doing Sweatin' to the Oldies video. We thought it was hilarious! I remember Richard Simmons saying once that he was really fat when he was a kid and his momma, who didn't know any better, used to make him chicken fat sandwiches...uhhhhhhgh!

  7. Aww, I remember Deal A Meal! I thought I could make my own cards & do it too, but that didn't work. I will say that I always loved doing his workout videos because he was so motivating in them! And it helped that the people he used were often my size or bigger.
