Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Four Out of Five Dentists Recommend Trident

As a kid growing up in the 1980s, this popular Trident Sugarless Gum slogan was often joked about ... "Four out of five dentists recommend Trident to their patients who chew gum." It's one of those phrases you never forget. Sort of like, "Oh what a feeling, Toyota!"

Ironically, in my adult life I worked for an advertising agency and Trident (Cadbury) was our client. Funny, right?

Too young to remember this terrifically memorable campaign? Please watch this commercial with Peggy Fleming from 1981.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Skidz Pants | 80s Baggy Pants

Skidz were popular baggy pants back in the '80s.

Skidz (pronounced Skids) were baggy, pajama like comfy cotton pants that were almost like the pants version of Jams (shorts). Often cuffed or folded at the bottom, Skidz were extremely popular with white Keds or slip-on style sneakers. They came in a variety of prints and pasterns and featured a yellow and black logo showing a vehicle skidding. These soft, baggy pants were available at most malls all over America.

Skidz pants were loved by most high school kids throughout the late 1980s and faded out by about 1990.  

Skidz pants went well with big hair and
were loved by '80s guidos or mall girls.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Rainbow Belts from the '70s and '80s

Remember Rainbow Belts?

When I was a kid growing up in the late 1970s and early 1980s, everyone loved rainbow belts. They were just the coolest. Mork from Mork & Mindy wore rainbow suspenders and we girls wore colorful rainbow belts with metal buckles and sometimes gold brass buckles. 

Rainbow Smurf Belt

Fancy girls had rainbow belts with Smurf buckles or other characters on them. I can't recall if I was that lucky and stylish. 

Do you remember rainbow belts? Did you have one back in the day?