Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fresh 'N Fancy | Make Your Own Cosmetics Kit

 Fresh 'n Fancy let you make your own

A reader sent me a super nice email the other day. I love when that happens. Anyway, she mentioned a toy I completely forgot about. It was from Hasbro and called FRESH 'N FANCY (Fresh and Fancy). Fresh 'N Fancy let girls create their own perfume fragrance and cosmetics.

Can you imagine, a "create your own perfume and makeup set" as a little girl? I think I received this as a Christmas gift way back in the days. Based on the trademark info I found online, the toy came out around 1981 and was gone by 1988.

Does anyone remember this make your own perfume toy from the '80s?


  1. I think I had this or something similar. I definitely remember wanting it! I totally forgot about this toy!

  2. Thank you so much for finding out the name of the make your own make up toy! It brings back such fond memories:)

  3. I was old by the '80s. I don't remember that toy, but it sure looks like fun. I'd like to have it now.


  4. For some reason I never had that one..

  5. I didn't have it. I remember a girlfriend of mine had it, and I was very jealous. :)

  6. I had that! Wow brings back memories!!!

  7. I got this toy for christmas when i wad 13 yearz old and i wanted to buy my daughter one when she was a child

  8. I remember this makeup kit like it was yesterday!! Lol I loved it !! 💅🏼

  9. I loved this makeup kit !! Got it for Christmas when I was a kid ! ����
