"Sit Down, Waldo!" was one of my favorite catch phrases of 1984. Why? Because of this hot, steamy MTV video for Van Halen's Hot For Teacher. Now, truth be told, I'm far from a fan of this type of music today. I've never been into rocker bands or hair bands. I always thought those bands were like, "for boys."
However, when you're 11 and don't have any hip older brothers or sisters guiding your musical taste, you're screwed. This is why I tried to rescue my brother's bad taste by forcing The Smiths and Depeche Mode on him at an early age. Didn't work. He preferred Pantera, Metallica and Samhaim to my dark, depressing ballads from the UK.
As you know, I attended Catholic school between grades 3-8. I must confess, this video was shocking. It truly was. The level of filth, I'm serious. I loved the song, but there was something that made me feel nervous while watching this video. I would turn my head around like Linda Blair in The Exorcist to make sure my parents weren't around every time it aired. In my mind, it was a straight-up porno on regular TV.
We didn't have the Playboy Channel, but to a Catholic school kid in 1984, this was just as dirty. Even now, watching it as an adult, I am ashamed of myself for liking this song in 6th grade. Maybe that's why I was making out with Eddie in the church balcony a year later.
Cool Trivia Bits About The Video:
1. The voice of Waldo is actually that of the late SNL comedian Phil Hartman.
2. David Lee Roth directed the "Hot For Teacher" video.
3. Eddie Van Halen's solo was ranked by Guitar World as #46 of all-time.
4. Fans sometimes think the line "I don't feel tardy" is "I don't feel dirty" but it is indeed "tardy."
5. There is some crazy confusion as to which hot chick played the hot teacher. Some say it's Lillian Muller, while others say it's Wayne Gretzky's wife, Janet Jones. I bet our favorite dirty boy blogger, Copyboy, would know. Ha ha!